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Ernest Bell

“Because I am a girl coach, I can see there is not an equal playing field, there are not a lot of opportunities, and frankly the sport I coach is dominated by men and it shouldn’t be. There should be more ladies coaching women’s should be balanced.”

2023 Neighbor

All Photos Courtesy of Jehan LLC Photography

Mon histoire

Raised by parents who engaged him in passive acts of service has led Ernest Bell down a path of giving back. A father, son, brother, mentor, and coach, Ernest currently wears multiple hats as Head basketball coach of the Centennial Lady Stars, but also serves as a safety and security officer at Columbus City Schools, and a Recreation Center staff member. He is proud to be able to provide opportunities, fitness, and life lessons to players past and present. When not on the hardwood, Ernest is proud to participate in food giveaways at his local center and engage in his church community. A certified “girl dad,” Ernest has learned to lead with humility and compassion. Hear Ernest’s story.

Ernest Bell
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Columbus est mon quartierest un programme du Neighborhood Design Center amplifiant les individus BIPOC à Columbus (Ohio).


Le programme est possible avec le soutien de la Columbus Foundation et d'Orange Barrel Media


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