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Cailyn Pittman

“I’m okay with just being a public servant in whatever capacity that looks like…I want to give back and continue to give back to the community that poured so much into me.”

2023 Neighbor

All Photos Courtesy of Jehan LLC Photography

Mon histoire

A lifelong Linden resident, with three generations of family in Linden, Cailyn Pittman aspires to give space and opportunity to the community that invested so much into her. With strong values in the power of education intersected with a career in policy at the State, County, and local level, has led Cailyn down a path of service. She currently serves as a legislative assistant for Columbus City Councilmember Remy, and is the Vice President of the Central Ohio Young Black Democrats, Cailyn encourages all Columbus residents to tap into their political power, get engaged, and use their voice, and their votes, to shape the future of their communities. Hear Cailyn’s story.

Cailyn Pittman
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Columbus est mon quartierest un programme du Neighborhood Design Center amplifiant les individus BIPOC à Columbus (Ohio).


Le programme est possible avec le soutien de la Columbus Foundation et d'Orange Barrel Media


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