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Mario Dovell

"I absolutely love what I do, and you get so caught up in the work, that you keep on going because that is one more person you can help, one more opportunity you can provide."

2022 Neighbor

Toutes les photos sont une gracieuseté de Jehan LLC Photography

Mon histoire

A Columbus native, Mario served his hometown with empathy and a smile in his role as a Center Manager for Columbus Recreation and Parks. Now serving as the Executive Vice President of the Starfish Assignment, a local nonprofit that works with law enforcement to meet the needs of the community, Mario continues his role as a servant leader through numerous initiatives that connect individuals to vital resources and their community. Hear Mario’s story below.

Mario Dovell
00:00 / 47:11
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Help support future campaigns! Donate via the NDC's Columbus Foundation Giving Store or contact us to learn how you can support this program!

Columbus est mon quartierest un programme du Neighborhood Design Center amplifiant les individus BIPOC à Columbus (Ohio).


Le programme est possible avec le soutien de la Columbus Foundation et d'Orange Barrel Media


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